Juicing Strawberries offers beautiful form and excellent taste which is loaded with high anti-oxidants and keeps your body healthy. Anti-oxidants assist in fighting against the damaging toxic activities in cells and DNA. Also a cup of strawberries contain 149% of vitamin C. Strawberry juice are best known for reducing the risks of cancers, heart diseases. It also boosts brain function, strengthens tissue and heal wounds. Strawberries are full of vitamins and folic acid which helps to reduce pimples, fluid storage and constipation.
Ingredients to prepare 2 Glasses of Strawberry Juice
- Around 20 Strawberry fruits
- 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
- 2 tablespoon of sugar
- A pinch of salt (optional)
- 2 cups of cold water
Steps to make Strawberry Juice
Step 1: Take fresh strawberries and clean the strawberries with cold water. Take out the stem and chop it.

Step 2: Add lemon juice and sugar in a blender. You need to be careful while adding sugar as the taste of strawberries varies. If they are sweeter you need to use less sugar. Also add salt if you like.

Step 3: Strain the juice through strainer to eradicate the seeds. But if you want crusty seeds in your juice, you don’t need to filter it.

Step 3: Pour into glasses and add some ice cubes if you want. As you have already added the lime twist, you can put some slice of strawberry for better presentation before serving.